Difficult times call for unusual action
Tackle preps, put on the backpacks, nomadic life on!
We introduce ourselves. And our ideas.
On this blog we would like to give everyone who is interested the opportunity to follow us and our journey. In December 2020 we terinated our appartment in Hamburg and packed our backpacks. We would like to report authentically on the ups and downs of a backpacking trip during a global pandemic. We hope to entertain you, inspire you and maybe motivate one or the other to fulfill their dream. Best of all, you don't need a lot of money.
Days without residence
Kilometers through

We are currently at:
Hamburg, Germany
(Forgive us if updates and posts are delayed)
Awesome people we met
Air miles
Kilometers on foot
Kilometer with public transport
Kilometers hitchhiked
Kilometers driven
Current travel reports:
Geheimtipp Ålesund: Stadt im Jugendstil
An Norwegens Westküste wartet ein richtiger Hidden Gem auf uns. Den Geheimtipp Alesund gab uns eine Norwegerin, die uns bei Langesund half.
Hansestadt Bergen in Norwegen – ohne Regen
Bergen in Norwegen ist nicht für sein gutes Wetter bekannt. So ist es besonders bemerkenswert, dass wir Tyske Bryggen und co. ohne Regen genießen durften.
Norway's best offer: travel on the ferry for free
From Preikestolen we are on our way to Odda. We will drive the ferry for the first time in Norway. We are surprised because the ticket is free!
Above the clouds: Camping at Preikestolen
The Preikestolen is one of the country's top natural highlights. At a height of 600 meters, the rocky outcrop towers over the Lysefjord. We hike with all our ...
Kleinstadtflair in der Großstadt Stavanger
Die weißen Häuschen im Zentrum der Stadt versprühen einen süßen Kleinstadtflair. Der Stadtteil im Westen des alten Hafens ist vermutlich der Schönste.
Wildcamping am Strand bei Farsund
Völlig unerwartet landen wir bei Farsund an einem einsamen Strand. Perfekt um einige Tage direkt am Meer zu campen und die Ruhe zu genießen. Der Kyststien …
On the Road again: Per Anhalter nach Kristiansand
Auch das schönste Zusammentreffen hat irgendwann ein Ende! Wir zelebrieren die gemeinsame Zeit und Erfahrungen in einer kleinen Brauerei mit einigen (viel zu...
Road trip to Geilo - from the sea to the mountains
In addition to all the generosity and trust shown to us, we are offered a road trip with the second car of the host family.
Work and Travel at Oslofjord
While we were sitting at the gas station the next day and just about to paint our sign, we were approached by a nice Norwegian woman and...
Time for change and the pursuit of happiness
Each of us knows this feeling: you are standing still and things are not going as smoothly as you would like. But you don't know exactly what's going wrong. You live from day to day, time passes, but the feeling remains. We both know that we like to be outside, like to travel and experience new things. However, before we changed our lives, we were not really aware that we are only really happy while we are dragging our backpacks through the landscape, the wind is blowing over the tent or the sun on the horizon is casting its last rays on the mountain peak. But with the first preparations, the search for the right equipment, the first hikes around Hamburg and on the Rhine, when we pitched our bright green tent in the forest for the first time while a simple one-pot dish was cooking in our Trangia cooker, we knew that we were on to something big.
Neither of us were big hiking, survival or bushcraft enthusiasts. Being outside, experiencing something new every day and getting to know people of all kinds means more to us than climbing the highest peaks, walking the longest distances or setting any kind of records. Being free every day, being happy, experiencing people and being able to decide where the journey is going according to your own needs is what is really important to us and has become an integral part of our lives. These are the things we were looking for and were able to experience on a 3-month long-distance hike through northern Germany or 7000km hitchhiking through southern Europe .
This travel blog is intended for all those who would like to follow our current phase of life and find out what you experience on a low-budget bagpacking trip. We share with you inspirations from everyday life, tips about natural travel and outdoor activities. Exciting couchsurfing experiences are documented, tips for safe travel and our outdoor equipment is put through their paces.